© 2016 J Byrne Limited

J Byrne Limited

Bookkeeping and Accounts Services

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We can help

If you have Membership Subscriptions, throw a party or run a rally, the money builds up

“We don’t need the accounts to be that good.”

You pay your subs, maybe throw a few parties, possibly a rally or two. The money coming in adds up. How much is your club actually worth?

“Why do we need you? We have a Treasurer.”

Who gets constant grief every time they get a new bike. Whispers, gossip, rumours. Get an outsider to have a look at the accounts.

“Our accounts are private.”

Private and confidential. All accounts we deal with are. Even the fact we are dealing with them remains private.

“We’ve just got a little argument within the club about money.”

Happens all the time. How about an independent person to assess the problem and report back? Weekly meeting, AGM? Dependent on distance, not a problem.

“It’s going to cost a fortune though.”

Surprisingly cheap. But just to throw a little bonus in, 50% of the fees in the first year will be donated to NABD under the club’s name.

“So why J Byrne Limited?”

I’ve been a biker for over 30 years and I’ve been doing accounts for slightly longer. I’ve been NABD Treasurer since 1999 and I’ve been a member of two bike clubs, Treasurer for one of them.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you.